
卵磷脂是甚麼? 功效如何?


1. 細胞膜結構支持:卵磷脂是細胞膜的主要組成成分之一,有助於維持細胞膜的結構
2. 細胞信號傳遞:卵磷脂在細胞信號傳遞中起著重要作用,包括參與細胞內外的訊
3. 脂質代謝:卵磷脂參與調節脂質代謝,包括脂質的合成、分解和運輸,對維持體
4. 神經傳導:在神經系統中,卵磷脂對神經傳導和神經細胞的功能有著重要影響,
魚油含有豐富的 Omega-3 脂肪酸,尤其是 EPA 和 DHA,對心血管健康、大腦功能和免疫系統等有益。而卵磷脂則有助於增強脂溶性營養素的吸收和運輸,包括 Omega-3 脂肪酸。因此,將魚油和卵磷脂搭配在一起攝取,可以提高 Omega-3 脂肪酸的吸收效率,進而增強其功效。这种组合对于改善心血管健康、支持大脑功能和促进整体健康非常有益。
品質保證: 安麗作為知名品牌,其產品通常有較高的品質標準和嚴格的生產流程,
營養補充: 魚油提供豐富的 Omega-3 脂肪酸,對心血管健康、大腦功能和關節健
                Omega-3 脂肪酸的吸收效率,進而增強其功效。
方便易用: 安麗可能提供方便的產品配方,如軟膠囊或粉末形式,易於攜帶和使
專業建議: 安麗的產品可能提供專業的使用建議和指導,讓消費者更好地使用魚油


Sun protection is important on summer days--ARTISTRY Sunscreen


As summer approaches, the days get longer, temperatures rise, and opportunities for outdoor activities increase. However, with the arrival of summer, people also need to do adequate sun protection. In this article, we'll explore the importance of summer sun protection and discuss basic strategies for staying safe in the sun.

Risks of unprotected sun exposure:
Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can have harmful effects on our skin and overall health. Without proper sun protection, individuals are at risk for sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer. It is important to understand the potential risks associated with unprotected sun exposure to prioritize sun protection measures.

Key strategies for sun protection:

Use sunscreen: Using sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) is one of the most effective ways to protect your skin from UV rays. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays, and remember to reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.

Seek shade: Whenever possible, seek shade during peak sunlight hours (usually 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Shade provides natural protection from the sun's harsh rays, helping to reduce the risk of sunburn and heat-related illnesses.

Wear protective clothing: Wearing lightweight, long-sleeved clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-blocking sunglasses can provide additional UV protection. Choose a tightly woven fabric that offers better sun protection, and don’t forget to cover exposed areas like your face, neck, and arms.

Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated is crucial, especially when spending time outdoors in the heat. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration and maintain optimal body temperature. Avoid excess alcohol and caffeine as they can cause dehydration.

Be smart about sun protection: Practice sun protection habits such as avoiding tanning beds, seeking shade when possible, and scheduling outdoor activities in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun is weaker. Educate yourself and your loved ones on the importance of sun protection and make it a priority year-round.

In summer, the choice of sunscreen is very important. ARTISTRY sunscreen is your best choice. The advantages of Artistry sunscreen compared to other brands are:

High-Quality Ingredients: Artistry sunscreen products often contain high-quality ingredients carefully selected to ensure their efficacy and safety. Brands may prioritize the use of advanced sunscreens, antioxidants, and moisturizers to nourish the skin while providing complete sun protection.

Extensive Research and Development: As part of Amway, Artistry benefits from the resources and expertise of a global leader in skincare and wellness. The brand may invest in extensive research and development to create innovative sunscreen formulas that meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness.

Dermatologist Tested and Recommended: Artistry sunscreens are often dermatologist tested to ensure they are safe and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Dermatologist advice and endorsement can reassure consumers of a product's safety and effectiveness.

Customized Formulations: Artistry can offer a range of sunscreen formulas to suit different skin types, preferences, and needs. Whether you prefer a lightweight, non-greasy formula for everyday use or a waterproof formula for outdoor activities, Artistry has options to fit your lifestyle.

Complementary Skin Care Range: Artistry Sunscreen may be part of a comprehensive skincare range designed to address various skin concerns and provide a comprehensive skin care solution. Pairing sunscreen with other Artistry products, such as cleansers, moisturizers, and serums, can help you get the best results from your skincare.

Brand Reputation & Trust: Artistry is a well-known brand with a reputation for delivering high-quality skincare products backed by science and innovation. Consumers may feel confident in the brand's commitment to excellence and trust that Artistry sunscreen will deliver on its promise.

Global Supply and Support: Artistry products are sold around the world through Anri's extensive network, making them easily available to consumers in many countries. In addition, Amway's customer support and satisfaction guarantee can provide customers with greater peace of mind.

While Artistry Sunscreen offers these potential benefits, it's important to consider your own skin type, preferences, and lifestyle when choosing a sunscreen. What works for one person may not be the best option for someone else. Ultimately, the most effective sunscreen is one that you will use consistently and that provides adequate protection for your skin.

Remember, protecting your skin today can help prevent serious health complications tomorrow.


隨著夏季的臨近,白天變長,氣溫升高,戶外活動的機會也增加。 然而,伴隨著夏日的歡樂,也需要充分的防曬。 在本文中,我們將探討夏季防曬的重要性,並討論在陽光下保持安全的基本策略。

長時間暴露在太陽的紫外線 (UV) 下會對我們的皮膚和整體健康產生有害影響。 如果沒有適當的防曬措施,個人就有曬傷、過早老化甚至皮膚癌的風險。 必須了解與未受保護的陽光照射相關的潛在風險,以優先考慮防曬措施。


使用防曬乳:使用高防曬係數(SPF)的防曬乳是保護肌膚免受紫外線傷害的最有效方法之一。 選擇可抵禦 UVA 和 UVB 射線的廣譜防曬霜,並記住每兩個小時重新塗抹一次,尤其是在游泳或出汗後。

尋求陰涼處:只要有可能,就在陽光照射的高峰時段尋求陰涼處,通常是上午 10 點到下午 4 點之間。 遮陽提供了免受太陽強烈射線的天然保護,有助於降低曬傷和與熱有關的疾病的風險。

穿著防護衣:穿著輕便的長袖衣服、寬邊帽和具有防紫外線功能的太陽眼鏡可以提供額外的防紫外線輻射保護。 選擇能提供更好防曬效果的緊密編織布料,並且不要忘記遮蓋臉部、頸部和手臂等暴露區域。

保持水分:保持水分至關重要,尤其是在炎熱的戶外度過時。 全天喝大量的水,以防止脫水並保持最佳體溫。 避免過量飲酒和咖啡因,因為它們會導致脫水。

明智地防曬:養成防曬安全習慣,例如避免曬黑床、盡可能尋找陰涼處,以及在清晨或傍晚陽光較弱的時候安排戶外活動。 讓自己和親人了解防曬的重要性,並將其作為全年的首要任務。


高品質成分:雅芝(Artistry)  防曬產品通常含有精心挑選的高品質成分,以確保其功效和安全性。 品牌可能會優先使用高級防曬劑、抗氧化劑和保濕劑,在滋養肌膚的同時提供全面的防曬保護。

廣泛的研究和開發:作為安麗的一部分,雅芝(Artistry) 受益於全球護膚和健康領域領導者的資源和專業知識。 該品牌可能會投資廣泛的研究和開發,以創造符合最高品質和有效性標準的創新防曬配方。

經過皮膚科醫生測試和推薦:雅芝(Artistry)  防曬霜通常經過皮膚科醫生測試,以確保它們安全且適合各種皮膚類型,包括敏感皮膚。 皮膚科醫師的建議和認可可以讓消費者對產品的安全性和有效性感到放心。

定製配方:雅芝(Artistry) 可以提供一系列適合不同皮膚類型、偏好和需求的防曬配方。 無論您喜歡日常使用的輕盈、不油膩的配方,還是戶外活動的防水配方,雅芝(Artistry)  都可以提供適合您生活方式的選擇。

補充護膚系列:雅芝(Artistry) 防曬霜可能是綜合護膚系列的一部分,旨在解決各種皮膚問題並提供整體護膚解決方案。 將防曬霜與其他雅芝(Artistry)產品(例如潔面乳、保濕霜和精華液)搭配使用,可以幫助您獲得最佳的護膚效果。

品牌聲譽與信任:雅芝(Artistry) 是一個知名品牌,以提供以科學和創新為後盾的高品質護膚產品而享有盛譽。 消費者可能對該品牌追求卓越的承諾充滿信心,並相信 Artistry 防曬霜將兌現其承諾。

全球供應和支援:雅芝(Artistry)產品透過安麗廣泛的網路銷往全球,使許多國家的消費者可以輕鬆獲得這些產品。 此外,安麗的客戶支援和滿意度保證可以讓客戶更安心。

雖然 雅芝(Artistry) 防曬霜具有這些潛在優勢,但在選擇防曬霜時,必須考慮您自己的皮膚類型、偏好和生活方式。 對一個人有效的方法不一定對另一個人來說是最好的選擇。 最終,最有效的防曬霜是您將持續使用並為您的皮膚提供充分保護的防曬霜。




Is Nutrilite DOUBLE X worth buying?

Many multivitamins are on the market, but Nutrilite DOUBLE X is not cheap among many brands. Is it worth buying?

Let’s first understand what nutrients an adult needs in a day.

Vitamin A: Necessary for vision, immune function, and skin health.

Vitamin C: Important for immune function, wound healing, and collagen production.

Vitamin D: Helps with calcium absorption, bone health, and immune function.

Vitamin E: Acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage.

Vitamin K: Essential for blood clotting and bone health.

B complex vitamins: including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinic acid), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (Cobalamin). They play a role in energy metabolism, nervous system function, and red blood cell production.

Calcium: Essential for bone health, muscle function, and nerve signaling.

Iron: Necessary for oxygen transport in the blood and energy metabolism.

Magnesium: Important for nerve function, muscle contraction, and bone health.

Zinc: Essential for immune function, wound healing, and DNA synthesis.

Get all the necessary vitamins and minerals through a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, dairy or dairy alternatives, and healthy fats can provide the body with the essential nutrients it needs for optimal health.

Here are some examples of nutrient-dense foods:

Fruits and vegetables: They are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Aim to include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet to ensure you're getting a wide range of nutrients.

Whole grains: Foods like whole-wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, oats, and barley are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Lean protein: Include lean protein sources in your diet such as poultry, fish, tofu, legumes (beans and lentils), eggs, and nuts. They provide essential amino acids needed for muscle repair and growth.

Dairy or dairy alternatives: Foods like milk, yogurt, cheese, and fortified plant-based milk alternatives (almond milk or soy milk) are rich in calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients important for bone health.

Healthy fats: Incorporate healthy fat sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil into your diet. They provide essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

Although most of our nutritional needs can be met through food alone, in our daily lives, due to work and time pressure, we cannot have a balanced diet every day, so we need multivitamins to help us supplement our deficiencies. 

The following table provides the nutrients of Nutrilite DOUBLE different. However, here are general guidelines for essential vitamins and minerals and their recommended daily intake for adults:

Nutrilite DOUBLE X

Daily Needs



Vitamin A

675 mcg

Vitamin A

900  mcg

700  mcg

Vitamin B1

2.25 mg


Vitamin B2

2.55 mg

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B6

3 mg

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B12

12 mg


Vitamin C

100 mg

Vitamin C

90 mg

75 mg

Vitamin D

250 IU

Vitamin D

under 70 years of age 600 IU

over 70 years of age 800 IU

Vitamin E

26.8 mg

Vitamin E

15 mg

15 mg

Vitamin K

120 mcg

90 mcg


15 mg



250 mcg


Pantothenic Acid

5 mg

Pantothenic Acid


150 mcg



0.5 mg


250 mg


under 50 years of age 1,000 mg

over 50 years of age 1,200 mg


2.5 mg


8 mg

18 mg


75 mcg


100 mg


400-420 mg

310-320 mg


7.5 mg


11 mg

8 mg


35 mcg


60 mcg


25 mcg


0.5 mg


1 mg

Nutrilite Double X is a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral supplement that provides a broad range of nutrients to support overall health and well-being. If you have specific health concerns or dietary restrictions, it is best to consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice.

While it may be pricier than some other supplements, it's important to consider the value of the nutrients and benefits it provides.

When evaluating whether Nutrilite Double X is right for you, there are a few things to consider:
Quality: Nutrilite products are produced by Amway, which emphasizes quality control and uses ingredients sourced from certified organic farms whenever possible. This focus on quality may contribute to the higher price point.

Comprehensiveness: Nutrilite Double X provides a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in one convenient supplement, potentially reducing the need to purchase multiple individual supplements.

Health benefits: Nutrilite Double X is formulated to support overall health, including immune function, energy metabolism, and antioxidant protection. If you have specific health concerns or nutritional gaps, it may be worth investing in a comprehensive supplement like Nutrilite Double X.

Cost-effectiveness: While the upfront cost of Nutrilite Double X may be higher, consider the long-term benefits and potential savings from improved health and reduced need for additional supplements

Ultimately, the decision to purchase Nutrilite Double X or any other supplement depends on your individual health goals, budget, and preferences. Suppose you're uncertain about whether Nutrilite Double X is the right choice for you. In that case, you may want to speak with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian for personalized advice based on your specific needs and circumstances. Additionally, comparing the pricing and features of Nutrilite Double X with similar products on the market may help you make an informed decision.

Nutrilite 紐崔萊 DOUBLE X蔬果綜合營養片值得買嗎?


市面上有許多的綜合維他命,Nutrilite Double X在眾多品牌中價格並不便宜,值得購買嗎?

維生素 A:視力、免疫功能和皮膚健康所必需的。
維生素 C:對於免疫功能、傷口癒合和膠原蛋白生成很重要。
維生素 D:有助於鈣吸收、骨骼健康和免疫功能。
維生素 K:對於凝血和骨骼健康至關重要。
B 群維生素:包括B1(硫胺素)、B2(核黃素)、B3(菸鹼酸)、B5(泛酸)、B6(吡哆醇)、B7(生物素)、B9(葉酸)和B12(鈷胺素)。 它們在能量代謝、神經系統功能和紅血球生成中發揮作用。
鋅:對於免疫功能、傷口癒合和 DNA 合成至關重要。

透過均衡飲食(包括各種營養豐富的食物)可以獲得所有必需的維生素和礦物質。 富含水果、蔬菜、全穀物、瘦蛋白、乳製品或乳製品替代品以及健康脂肪的飲食可以為身體提供最佳健康所需的必需營養素。

水果和蔬菜:它們是維生素、礦物質、抗氧化劑和纖維的絕佳來源。 旨在在您的飲食中加入各種色彩繽紛的水果和蔬菜,以確保您獲得廣泛的營養。
瘦肉蛋白質:飲食中包括瘦蛋白來源,如家禽、魚、豆腐、豆類(黃豆和扁豆)、雞蛋和堅果。 它們提供肌肉修復和生長所需的必需氨基酸。
乳製品或乳製品替代品:牛奶、優格、乳酪和強化植物奶替代品(如杏仁奶或豆奶)等食物富含鈣、維生素 D 和其他對骨骼健康重要的營養素。
健康脂肪:將酪梨、堅果、種子和橄欖油等健康脂肪來源納入您的飲食中。 它們提供必需脂肪酸和脂溶性維生素。


以下表格提供Nutrilite Double X的營養素,及一名成年男子(女子)每日所需的營養素公大家參考;人們每天所需的維生素和礦物質可能因年齡、性別、健康狀況和生活方式等因素而異。 然而,這裡有關於必需維生素和礦物質及其成人每日建議攝取量的一般指南:

Nutrilite 紐崔萊 DOUBLE X




675 mcg

維生素 A

900  mcg

700  mcg


2.25 mg



2.55 mg



3 mg



12 mg



100 mg


90 mg

75 mg


250 IU

維生素 D

70歲以下600 IU

70歲以上800 IU


26.8 mg

維生素 E

15 mg

15 mg

維生素 K

120 mcg

90 mcg


15 mg



250 mcg



5 mg



150 mcg



0.5 mg

250 mg

50歲以下 1,000 mg

50歲以上 1,200 mg

2.5 mg

8 mg

18 mg

75 mcg

100 mg

400-420 mg

310-320 mg

7.5 mg

11 mg

8 mg

35 mcg

60 mcg

25 mcg

0.5 mg

1 mg


TWD 2300

Nutrilite Double X是一種全面的綜合維生素和礦物質補充劑,提供廣泛的營養素,以支持整體健康和福祉。如果您有特定的健康問題或飲食限制,最好諮詢醫療保健專業人員或註冊營養師以獲得個人化建議。


在評估Nutrilite Double X是否適合您時,有幾件事情需要考慮:


全面性:Nutrilite Double X在一種方便的補充劑中提供廣泛的維生素、礦物質和植物營養素,可能減少了購買多個單獨補充劑的需求。

健康益處:Nutrilite Double X的配方旨在支持整體健康,包括免疫功能、能量代謝和抗氧化保護。如果您有特定的健康問題或營養缺口,也許值得投資於像Nutrilite Double X這樣的全面補充劑。

性價比:雖然Nutrilite Double X的前期成本可能較高,但考慮到健康的長期好處和減少對其他補充劑的需求,從而可能節省成本。

最終,購買Nutrilite Double X或任何其他補充劑的決定取決於您個人的健康目標、預算和偏好。如果您對是否購買Nutrilite Double X感到不確定,您可能需要與醫療保健提供者或註冊營養師進行交流,根據您的特定需求和情況提供個性化建議


聖經:列王紀上14章1-20節耶羅波安兒子的死 1 那時候,耶羅波安的兒子亞比雅害病。 2 耶羅波安對他妻子說:「你假扮一下,讓別人認不出你,然後到示羅去。亞希雅先知住在那裡;他就是說我會作以色列王的那個人。 3 你要帶給他十塊餅,一些餅乾,和一罐蜂蜜。他會告訴你我們的兒子會怎樣...