
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? What does the Bible say?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is an eternal puzzle that has troubled mankind for a long time. What is the real answer?

Today we discuss this issue from two viewpoints, the first is from the scientific viewpoint, and the other is from the viewpoint of Christ.
In 2001 AD, scientists discovered a protein called OC-17 (Ovocleidin-17), which is a key substance needed to "start" eggshell formation. Without OC-17, eggs cannot be formed; and in AD In 2014, Colin Freeman, a Ph.D. from the Department of Engineering Materials at the University of Sheffield, further verified that the protein of OC-17 is necessarily related to eggs and that there seems to be a protein similar to OC-17 in various birds. Catalyzes the formation of eggshells; Dr. Colin Freeman emphasized that although some scientists previously believed that the egg came first and then the chicken, now "we have used scientific methods to prove that the chicken came first and then the egg."

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From a Christian perspective, this is a question of exploring the origin of life. The first book of the Bible, Genesis discusses the origin of life. In Genesis Chapter 1, verses 20-23

20 God said, “Let the waters teem with living things, and let birds fly above the earth and in the sky.”
21 God created the great fish and every living creature that the water teems with, according to their kind; and God created every kind of bird according to his kind. God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them all, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and the waters of the sea will be filled with them; and birds will multiply on the earth."
23 And there was evening and there was morning, which was the fifth day.

It is said here that there will be birds flying above the ground, and that he will create all kinds of birds according to their kinds. This also shows that God originally created birds and birds, not eggs. Therefore, the Bible clearly tells us that there were birds first. The chicken, not the egg




聖經:列王紀上14章1-20節耶羅波安兒子的死 1 那時候,耶羅波安的兒子亞比雅害病。 2 耶羅波安對他妻子說:「你假扮一下,讓別人認不出你,然後到示羅去。亞希雅先知住在那裡;他就是說我會作以色列王的那個人。 3 你要帶給他十塊餅,一些餅乾,和一罐蜂蜜。他會告訴你我們的兒子會怎樣...